Die Vision
Regular price $125.00 ✓ In stock!On a plinth sits a square tube about 30 cm high which has 3 large round openings at the front and rear, i.e. one can see right through it. There are slots in the sides of the tube through which the magician pushes two heavy, polished stainless steel sheets, which divide the tube into 3 compartments.
Then the magician takes a 10 cm, harmless looking cube and throws it into the tube from above. The cube comes to rest on the uppermost metal sheet. The tube is covered with a lid so as to separate the cube from the outside world.
The magician touches the metal barrier with his index finger, letting "cosmic energy" take effect on the metal barrier. Suddenly the cube penetrates the upper metal sheet and comes to rest on the lower one.
The upper stainless steel sheet is removed immediately and handed round for inspection. When the inspection is finished, the incredible penetration happens again with the second metal sheet before the eyes of the audience. This one is removed too and handed round for inspection. Then the tube is removed from the plinth, one can see the cube lying on the plinth. The cube has evidently passed through both metal sheets, i.e. has slowly moved down from the top to the bottom.