Vanish Magazine #84 eBook DOWNLOAD
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Paul Romhany started VANISH in 2011 and is considered the most cutting-edge magazine for magicians in the world. Each issue contains magic tricks, reviews, essays, feature stories and more.
98 pages
98 pages
- Featuring Dania Diaz from Spain and our other feature is Charles Bach with his own theatre show.
- Editorial
- The Adventures of Pokkus
- Product Highlight - Harpacrown Too
- Virtual magic tricks - top 10 List
- Lives Shows are back - by Charles Bach
- A Squib in the world by Felicity Fields
- Wired to create by Steve Spill
- Creating Comedy Magic by Nick Lewin
- Signore Bosco by Ted Outerbridge
- Product Highlight - Refractor
- Let's Taco About it - by Christopher T. Magician
- Yellow to Red - Silk Trick - Christopher T Magician
- Ketchup Mind Reading - Trick - Louie Foxx
- Perfect Mix Up - Trick - Aaron Matthews
- Product Reviews - Hobson Egg Bag by Jeff Hobson, Gecko Pro, Rell Sharp, Punch'D by David Michael Fox, Don't Read My Lips by April Brucker