Undivided Martin Lewis, DVD
Regular price $19.95 ✓ In stock!Now on DVD!
Martin Lewis brings the classic Torn and Restored Cigarette Paper into the 21st century with a new and exciting handling that relies on subtlety rather than dexterity. A handling that makes the effect clearly visible for two or two hundred! (Or even 9 million, if you have your own TV special.)
This DVD shows how you can perform this ultra clean restoration which has consistently baffled magicians and laymen alike. Learn from Martin's 24 years of experience in performing this effect.
- The Ideal Materials
- How To Prepare Them
- The Important Displays
- The Simple Switch
- The Visual Restoration
"Martin's version of this classic embodies it with balletic verve and visibility. It will thrill and delight everyone, as the carny barkers used to say, "...from 8 to 80, man, woman, child!..."
-Jon Racherbaumer
"Martin has taken a time honored classic and turned it into a masterpiece. The video is clear and concise. I particularly like his 'overview' section. This is a real winner!"
"Notice how the hands perfectly display the effect, while professionally framing the performer? When combined with Martin's deep understanding of powerful magic, this becomes the ultimate 'packs small plays big' effect!"
-Michael Ammar