Lego Frame
Lego Frame
Lego Frame
Lego Frame
Lego Frame
Lego Frame

Lego Frame

Regular price $399.95 ✓ In stock!

With Lego Frame you will be able to change a Lego image into another in an unbelievable and visual way. The change is so incredible that you may not believe this is a real, solid object. BUT IT IS.

Lego Frame comes with 40 different templates/images to personalize your show. This is perfect for stage and parlor situations.

With Lego Frame you can do 3 types of effects:

1. A spectator selects a seemingly random image, and you change the Lego image to their chosen image
2. Double revelation of two chosen images
3. Magician in trouble: Your prediction is wrong, and you magically fix it to match what the spectator chose


  • You can show the back of the frame in the beginning and at the end of the performance
  • You can insert Lego pieces in the beginning and at the end of the performance to prove that it's real
  • After the change, you can take the Lego plate from the frame and give it away
  • The resets takes less than 3 seconds

The frame was constructed specially for the Lego plate but can be easily adapted to other materials, such as a chalk board, white board, puzzles images, etc.


  • The Frame
  • Lego pieces and the plates
  • 40 templates
  • Cloth
  • Case to transport
  • Video instructions
  • Templates for you to choose what Lego images you want

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